
Masterfully making the quantum leap from metal to digital, Metodo brings distinctly early twentieth century curves to a contemporary typeface. Designed by Davide Tomatis, the typeface appears as a substantive evolution from the lineage of typefaces that draw inspiration from a German type design that traveled and evolved through numerous European foundries under different names. Metodo captures the distinct physicality of early modernist typography with a refined drawing.

The original typeface was most likely developed by Wagner & Schmidt and released under the name Neue Moderne Grotesk. It was also listed in the catalogues of some of Europe’s most famous foundries at time under various names including: Aurora in Weber’s catalogues, Accidenz Grotesk in Haas’s catalogues, and Cairoli in Nebiolo’s catalogues, just to name a few of its pseudonyms. Soon ubiquitous, albeit remaining somewhat obscure, the typeface was notably used by Jan Tschichold, for the first edition of the Die Neue Typographie, which was published in 1928.

Davide Tomatis first started working with this typeface while completing his master’s of type design at École cantonale d’art de Lausanne in 2019. Upon graduating, Tomatis continued to meticulously investigate the specific feeling evoked by the original metal typeface through its particular curves and tensions (especially present in its rounded shapes). By preserving the typeface’s overall texture rather than faithfully reproducing its minute details, Tomatis gave Metodo a sophisticated design with a timeless character.

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10 styles

Light Italic
Medium Italic
Bold Italic
Heavy Italic

Metodo Mono
6 styles

Mono Regular
Mono Italic
Mono Medium
Mono Medium Italic
Mono Bold
Mono Bold Italic